Sunday, February 5, 2023

Salesforce Architect Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Salesforce Architect Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

→    Maintain Your Data Architect Certification for Winter '23

1. What is the most important step to enable Person Accounts without Salesforce Support?
A. Confirm each object has two record types.
B. Test the features in a sandbox.
C. Enable the features and review the org implications after.
D. Add read permission to all user profiles.

2. What is the new name for Salesforce CDP?
A. Cloud Data Platform
B. Content Delivery Platform
C. Customer Data Platform
D. Customer Audience 360

3. What type of list uses custom address fields to improve address data accuracy for your users?
A. State and Country/Territory Picklists
B. Authorized Address Lists
C. Address Filter Lists
D. Structured Data Lists

4. How can an event delivery allocation be made more efficient?
A. Validation rules
B. Filter expressions
C. Apex triggers
D. Formula filters

→    Maintain Your Dev. Lifecycle & Deployment Architect Certification for Winter '23

1. What must be created first in order to deploy content to an LWR site in stages?
A. New component
B. Inbound change set
C. Outbound change set
D. Aura template

2. What output is displayed when the Salesforce CLI package report command runs?
A. A list of Apex classes that aren’t passing code coverage requirements
B. A JSON report
C. A Package2Version object
D. A list of the highest code coverage percentages

3. What determines an org’s "shape" in Salesforce?
A. Developer, Group, Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited Editions
B. License, limits, definitions, version, and features
C. Features, settings, edition, limits, and licenses
D. Platform, Domain, Package, Cloud, and Previews

4. When will API Versions 21.0 through 30.0 be retired?
A. Spring '23
B. Summer '22
C. Summer '23
D. Summer '24

5. During a major release preview, sandboxes are upgraded before production orgs. What is the typical lead time for sandbox upgrades vs. production orgs?
A. Six weeks
B. Six days
C. Eight weeks
D. Ten weeks

→    Maintain Your Identity & Access Architect Certification for Winter '23

1. Why does Salesforce recommend the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow as a more secure alternative to the username-password flow?
A. An access token is exchanged for the consumer key and consumer secret.
B. The flow is free from explicit user interaction.
C. A third-party app can’t generate automated reports.
D. A and B
E. B and C

2. Salesforce now supports WebAuthn API security keys. Can a previously registered U2F key be used?
A. Yes, it will adopt WebAuthn APIs on first use.
B. Yes, if you memorize your master encryption key.
C. No.
D. Yes, if you trade in the U2F key for a new one.

3. With multi-factor authentication enabled, how long can you view a connected app’s consumer key and secret before a second identity challenge is required?
A. Fifteen minutes
B. Five minutes
C. Thirty minutes
D. Four minutes

4. Users can no longer log in to Salesforce using a username and password as URL query string parameters to the login URL. What action must users take if they see a redirect status code?
A. Authenticate by passing un= or pw=
B. Reinstall the Salesforce Mobile App
C. Change your login and authentication integrations
D. Disconnect all apps

5. Why does Salesforce recommend blocking use of the OAuth 2.0 username-password flow?
A. To help existing integrations
B. To prevent it from working with the Field Service mobile app
C. To keep developers from using it to build more integrations
D. To improve managed packages

6. When do new staged consumer values become valid?
A. When generated
B. When applied
C. When shared
D. When connected

→    Maintain Your Integration Architect Certification for Winter '23

1. What is the first step to connect a user flow screen to your org’s external data?
A. Generate pick list options.
B. Add a collection choice set to the appropriate component.
C. Create a collection choice set and reference an Apex-defined collection.
D. Generate new username-password combinations.

2. A custom channel can group messages from multiple platform events into one stream. What type of events are supported?
A. High-volume custom platform events
B. Standard platform events
C. Real-time monitored events
D. Legacy standard-volume custom platform events

3. What do community guest users require access to in order to run flows containing External Services actions?
A. Run Flows permission
B. The Login page for the Flow component
C. Experience Cloud External User profile
D. The flow in Experience Builder

4. How many programming languages are supported by Pub/Sub API?
A. Seven
B. Ten
C. Eleven
D. Thirteen

→    Maintain Your Sharing & Visibility Architect Certification for Winter '23

1. Where are external objects found when accessed from the Setup menu?
A. Object Manager
B. Most Recently Used
C. External Data Sources
D. A and C
E. B and C

2. What is the benefit of using a scoping rule instead of a restriction rule?
A. Scoping rules show a user all the records they have access to in the org sharing settings.
B. Scoping rules limit access to records the user can see.
C. Scoping rules control the default records that users see without limiting all access.
D. A and B
E. B and C

3. Why did Salesforce remove guest user assignments from permission sets associated with most permission set licenses?
A. To prevent guest users from being granted object permissions that aren’t required
B. To remove set license assignments automatically from guest users
C. To delete custom object permissions
D. To allow View All, Modify All, edit and delete permissions

4. Salesforce has added org-wide sharing settings for product records. What is recommended in order to test any changes in a sandbox?
A. Review sharing settings and defaults for internal and external users
B. Test the settings with all customizations
C. Set Product access to Private
D. A and then B
E. B and then C

5. What feature prevents external users from accessing other users’ personal information?
A. Personal Identifiable Information Screen
B. Enable Enhanced Personal Information Management
C. Conceal User Information
D. Custom Scoping Rules

Certification Maintenance Due Date:   December 8, 2023

Marketing Cloud Administrator Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Marketing Cloud Administrator Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

→    Maintain Your Marketing Cloud Administrator Certification for Winter '23

1. What can a Marketing Cloud user create with the new email dimensions and measurements?
A. Customized dashboards and reports
B. New calculated measurements and dimensions
C. New campaign IDs
D. A and B
E. B and C

2. What is the main benefit of adding Einstein Send Time Optimization to Automation Studio?
A. Maximizes engagement by sending emails at the best time for recipients
B. Predicts an accurate click-through percentage
C. Reduces the number of unsubscribes
D. Automatically decreases bounce rate

3. File Locations REST API allows users to create, manage, and delete file locations. What else can users do with this API?
A. Create and rotate passwords.
B. Rotate and manage access keys.
C. Manage external SFTP usernames.
D. A and B
E. B and C

4. A repeatedly failing automation will be automatically deactivated when it meets what criteria?
A. Failures are caused by system errors
B. Fails at least 30 times
C. Has a 100% failure rate for 30 days
D. A and B
E. B and C

5. How does Einstein Content Selection incorporate weather to customize content?
A. It prioritizes emails to areas with inclement weather.
B. It selects matching values for contacts based on forecasts.
C. It selects a primary weather event and one hero image for all contacts.
D. It stores weather data for each subscriber location.

Certification Maintenance Due Date:   December 8, 2023

Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

→ Maintain Your Platform App Builder Certification for Winter '23

1. What component customizes related lists directly from the Lightning App Builder?
A. Filter List Component
B. Page Layout Editor
C. Dynamic Related List - Single
D. Lightning App Sidebar

2. Where can a debug flow test be created and saved?
A. Flow Builder
B. Debug Logs
C. Audit Trail
D. Flow Interview

3. What action enables smart email auto-responses in Flow Builder?
A. Case Email Response
B. Classify Case
C. Create Article Recommendations
D. Flow Entry Conditions

4. Custom address fields improve address data accuracy for your users using what type of list?
A. State and Country/Territory Picklists
B. Authorized Address Lists
C. Address Filter Lists
D. Structured Data Lists

5. What are the benefits of using Dynamic Forms on record pages?
A. Place fields anywhere on the page.
B. Use visibility rules to show and hide fields.
C. Enter data automatically.
D. A and B
E. B and C

6. Restriction or scoping rules now allow multiple values. When should double quotes surround a value?
A. When a value is unknown
B. If a single value contains a comma
C. When a value has variable formatting
D. If the value is required

→ Get Hands-On With Permission Set Expiration

Please follow below steps for completing this challenge:

Step: 1
Find 'User management' in 'Quick find' box and select the 'User Management Settings'.

Step: 2
Enable 'Permission Set & Permission Set Group Assignments with Expiration Dates'.

Step: 3
Find 'Permission Sets' in 'Quick find' box and select the 'Permission Sets'.
Click on 'New' button.
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Step: 4
As mentioned in trailhead challenge, Enter label 'Report Permissions'. 
Click 'Save' button.
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Step: 5
Click on 'System Permissions' option.
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Step: 6
As mentioned in trailhead challenge, select the below 'System Permissions
  • Create and Customize Reports
  • Create Report Folders
  • Schedule Reports
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Step: 7
Click 'Save' button.
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Step: 8
Click 'Save' button.
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Step: 9
Click on 'Manage Assignments' button.
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Step: 10
Click on 'Add Assignment' button.
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Step: 11
As mentioned in below screenshot, assign the permission set to an active user.
Click on 'Next' button.
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Step: 12
As mentioned in below screenshot, select the 'Specify the expiration date' option,
Select 30 Days option,
Click on 'Assign' button.
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Step: 13
Click on 'Done' button.
Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Certification Maintenance Due Date:   December 8, 2023

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Winter '23)

→    Maintain Your Platform Developer I Certification for Winter '23

1. Field update actions have changed in API Version 54.0. Which record-triggered flows do field update actions now execute?
A. Only before-save
B. Before-save and after-save
C. Only after-save
D. Repeat in a loop

2. Which Apex class is used to determine the hostnames for the domains that Salesforce hosts for your org?
A. System.DomainCreator
B. System.Domain
C. System.DomainParser
D. System.TypeEnum

3. Which modules can be used for notifications in a Lightning web component instead of native APIs?
A. window.alert(), window.confirm(), and window.prompt()
B. LightningAlert, LightningConfirm, and LightningPrompt
C. alert(), confirm(), and prompt()
D. async/await or .then()

4. What determines an org’s “shape” in Salesforce?
A. Developer, Group, Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited Editions
B. License, limits, definitions, version, and features
C. Features, settings, edition, limits, and licenses
D. Platform, Domain, Package, Cloud, and Previews

5. Which lightning-modal-* component is required to create a modal?
A. Header
B. Footer
C. Body
D. Tag

6. How do you call an invocable action from Apex code?
A. Reference MyApexClass
B. Use Callout Modifier
C. Use InvocableVariable
D. Reference Invocable.Action

→    Get Hands-On With Apex Assertions

Launch the org you’ll use for the hands-on challenge, then do the following prework.
Step: 1
Now, as mentioned in trailhead challenge, we need to create one apex class.

To open the Developer Console from Salesforce Classic:

  1. Click Your Name.
  2. Click Developer Console.

To open the Developer Console from Lightning Experience:

  1. Click the quick access menu (Setup gear icon).
  2. Click Developer Console.
Follow below steps in developer console
~ File > New > Apex Class

Step: 2
As mentioned in trailhead challenge, enter 'Apex Class' name and click 'OK' button.
    Class Name: TestFactory

Step: 3 
Copy below mentioned code and paste in developer console and 'Save' this apex class.
public class TestFactory {
   public static Account getAccount(String accountName, Boolean doInsert) {
       Account account = new Account(Name = accountName);
       if (doInsert) {
           insert account;
       return account;
   public static Contact getContact(Id accountId, String firstName, String lastName, Boolean doInsert){
       Contact contact = new Contact(
           FirstName = firstName,
           LastName = lastName,
           AccountId = accountId
       if (doInsert) {
           insert contact;
       return contact;
   public static void generateAccountWithContacts(Integer numContacts) {
       Account account = getAccount('default account ltd', true);
       List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();
       for (Integer i = 0; i < numContacts; i++) {
           String firstName = 'Contact';
           String lastName = 'Test' + i;
           contacts.add(getContact(account.Id, firstName, lastName, false));
       insert contacts;
   public static Opportunity[] generateOppsForAccount(ID accountId, Decimal amount, Integer numOpps){
       List<Opportunity> oppsForAccounts = new List<Opportunity>();
       for (Integer i = 0; i < numOpps; i++) {
           Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(
               Name = 'Account ' + i,
               AccountId = accountId,
               Amount = amount,
               CloseDate =,
               StageName = 'Prospecting'
       return oppsForAccounts;
   public static User generateUser(String profileName) {
       UserRole userRole = new UserRole(
           DeveloperName = 'TestingTeam',
           Name = 'Testing Team'
       insert userRole;
       String uniqueEmail = 'Cpt.Awesome' + + '';
       User userForInsert = new User(
           ProfileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = :profileName].Id,
           LastName = 'lastName',
           Email = uniqueEmail,
           Username = uniqueEmail,
           CompanyName = 'Testing Co',
           Title = 'Captain',
           Alias = 'alias',
           TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
           EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8',
           LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US',
           LocaleSidKey = 'en_US',
           UserRoleId = userRole.Id
       insert userForInsert;
       return userForInsert;

Step: 4  
Now follow step 1 & 2 again and create another apex class.
    Class Name: DataGenerationTest
Copy below mentioned code and paste in developer console and 'Save' this apex class.
private class DataGenerationTest {
  static void dataCreation() {
      Account account = TestFactory.getAccount('Muddy Waters Inc.', true);
      Contact contact = TestFactory.getContact(account.Id, 'Muddy', 'Waters', true);
      Opportunity opp = New Opportunity();
      opp.Name = 'Long lost record';
      opp.AccountId = account.Id;
      opp.CloseDate =;
      opp.StageName = 'Prospecting';
      insert opp;
  static void testBruteForceAccountCreation() {
      List<Account> accts = new List<Account>();
          accts = [SELECT Id FROM Account];
      assert.isTrue(accts.size() > 0, 'Was expecting to find at least one account created on the Test Setup');
  static void testUseTestFactoryToCreateAccountsWithContacts() {
      List<Account> accts;
      List<Contact> contacts;
          accts = [SELECT Id FROM Account];
          contacts = [SELECT Id FROM Contact];
      assert.isTrue(accts.size() > 0, 'Was expecting to find at least one account created');
      assert.isTrue(contacts.size() == 6, 'Was expecting to find 6 contacts');
      assert.areNotEqual(accts.size(), contacts.size(), 'Was expecting there to be a different number of account and contacts');
  static void testAtTestSetupMethodsRule() {
      List<Opportunity> opps = [SELECT Id, AccountId FROM Opportunity];
      assert.areEqual(1, opps.size(), 'Expected test to find a single Opp');

Certification Maintenance Due Date:   December 8, 2023