Saturday, April 23, 2022

Administrator Certification Maintenance (Spring '22)

Administrator Certification Maintenance (Spring '22)

Maintain Your Administrator Certification for Spring '22

Create a Restriction Rule for users to keep their Tasks private.

Please follow below steps for completing this challenge:

Step: 1 
Click on 'Gear' icon and select 'Setup' option.

Step: 2
Click on 'Object Manager' tab.

Step: 3 
Find 'Task' object in quick find box and open the same object.

Step: 4 
In the sidebar, click 'Restriction Rule' option.

Step: 5 
Click on 'New Rule' button.

Step: 6 
As mentioned in challenge, enter the Rule Name value.
  • Rule Name: Keep Tasks Private
  • Full Name: Keep_Tasks_Private
Check the 'Is Active' checkbox as true.
In 'User Criteria' section, click on 'Field' lookup text box.

Step: 7 
Select 'Active' field and click on 'Choose' button.

Step: 8
Select 'True' option from 'Value' drop down.

Step: 9
Now, under 'Record Criteria' section, click on 'Field' lookup text box.

Step: 10
First select 'Assigned To ID (User)' field and then select 'User ID' field,
Click on 'Choose' button.

Step: 11
Select 'Current User' option from 'Type' drop down and click on 'value' lookup text box.

Step: 12
Select 'User ID' field and click on 'Choose' button.

Step: 13
Finally your screen look like below screenshot and click 'Save' button.

Step: 14
Your 'Task Restriction Rule' have created successfully now you can check the challenge.

Certification Maintenance Due Date: April, 2023

Helpful link: Spring '22 Certification Maintenance