Friday, May 7, 2021

Administrator Certification Maintenance (Spring '21)

Administrator Certification Maintenance (Spring '21)

Maintain Your Administrator Certification for Spring '21

Remember to create a new Trailhead Playground for the hands-on steps and challenges in this module.

Note: Yes, we really mean a brand-new Trailhead playground! If you use an existing org or playground, you can run into problems completing the challenges.

For completing this challenge, please follow below steps:

Step: 1

Launch your Trailhead Playground by scrolling to the bottom of this page and clicking Launch. If you see a tab in your org labeled Install a Package, great. Follow the steps below. 

  1. Click the Install a Package tab.
  2. Paste 04t4x000000lxVE into the field.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Select Install for Admins Only.
  5. Add a check to the I acknowledge that I’m installing a Non-Salesforce Application checkbox, then click Install.
    Note: Get the "This package can't be installed" error? 
    1. Click on the Astro icon in the upper right corner and select Settings.
    2. Click Language & Time Zone in the My Personal Information section. 
    3. Adjust the Locale to English (United States)
    4. Click Save
    5. Return to the Playground Starter app and install the Managed Package.
  6. When your package is finished installing, you see a confirmation page and get an email to the address associated with your playground. Click Done.

Step: 2
Search and select 'Laptop_Warranty' from the App Launcher.

Step: 3
Change the List View to 'All Records' and select the 'Keith Jones' record. 

Step: 4
From the Keith Jones record, click 'Gear' icon and select 'Edit Page' option.

Step: 5
Click below Owner name in the canvas to select the 'Details' component and click 'Upgrade Now' in the Record Detail to upgrade to Dynamic Forms.

Step: 6
Click 'Next' button.

Step: 7
Select the radio button next to 'Laptop_Warranty Layout' and click 'Finish' button.

Step: 8
Drag and drop the 'Owner' field to first column.

Step: 9
With the Information section in the Details tab selected, change the format to '1 column'
Drag and drop 'Active Warranty' field to above the 'Support Level' field.

Step: 10
Select 'Support Level' field and click 'Add Filter' in the details panel on the right. 

Step: 11
Click 'Advanced', Click Select under Field, Select 'Record' then 'Active Warranty' field,
- Ensure Operator has the 'Equal' value selected, Change the Value selected to 'True' and Click 'Done'.

Step: 12
Select 'Expiration Date' field and click 'Add Filter' in the details panel on the right. 

Step: 13
Click Select under Field, Select 'Active Warranty' field,
- Ensure Operator has the 'Equal' value selected, Change the Value selected to 'True' and Click 'Done'.
And 'Save' button.

Step: 14
Click 'Activate' button.

Step: 15
Click 'Assign as Org Default' button.

Step: 16
Select 'Desktop and phone' radio button and click 'Next' button.

Step: 17
Click 'Save' button.

Step: 18
Last, click 'Save' button.
Click the back arrow to leave the Lightning App Builder.


  1. Why it is taking forever to upload csv file, while creating object. Does someone else facing same issue? please guide. Thanks

  2. Impressive!Thanks for the post.

  3. Looking great work dear, I really appreciated to you on this quality work. Nice post, these hints may help me for future.

  4. After creating the org, Don't forgot to install package

  5. Thank you for this post. Good luck.

  6. I am getting this below error while doing this admin exam. I have created new org as well and tried to do this exam 2 times

    Challenge not yet complete in AdminTest
    Looks like you started this badge before some changes were made to it in June 2021. Please create a new Trailhead Playground and install the managed package as instructed.

    1. I am also getting same error ,i created 2 playground and getting same error.

      Any one can help here?

    2. I'm having the same:
      Looks like you started this badge before some changes were made to it in June 2021. Please create a new Trailhead Playground and install the managed package as instructed.
      Can anyone advise? I see this is common issue, but no answear so far.

    3. HI I am getting same error have you found solution?

    4. Hi,

      Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. I hope you are doing well and staying safe!

      I have updated my blog and I have removed older steps from blog, could you please check and follow new steps. It will surely work.

      Thank you.

  7. Looks like you started this badge before some changes were made to it in June 2021. Please create a new Trailhead Playground and install the managed package as instructed.

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for sharing your experience!

      I have updated my blog and I have removed older steps from blog, could you please check and follow new steps. It will surely work.

      Thank you.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. thank you so much!! extremely helpful

  10. I am getting below error can someone help..i have completed all the steps mentioned above in a new playgorund.
    Challenge not yet complete in Resourceful Goat Playground
    Be sure to add a filter to the field visibility for the Support Level field and Expiration Date field so they only appear when the Active Warranty field is checked. Be sure your filter is on the Lightning page with Developer Name: Laptop_Warranty_Record_Page. Ensure the Developer Name for Support Level is THSK__Support_Level__c, Active Warranty is THSK__Active_Warranty__c, and Laptop Warranty is THSK__Laptop_Warranty__c.

    1. Check to make sure you are on the Laptop_Warranty_Record_Page, not the Laptop_Warranty Record Page. And then make sure there is no filter set on Active Warranty.

    2. In step 13 it is wrongly mentioned as Active Warranty. The filter should be applied to Expiration Date

  11. I'm getting this below error after completed the above mentioned steps , can someone please help here, i will have to complete this maintenance by 8th of April 2022
    Challenge not yet complete in Mindful Wolf Playground
    Be sure to add a filter to the field visibility for the Support Level field and Expiration Date field so they only appear when the Active Warranty field is checked. Be sure your filter is on the Lightning page with Developer Name: Laptop_Warranty_Record_Page. Ensure the Developer Name for Support Level is THSK__Support_Level__c, Active Warranty is THSK__Active_Warranty__c, and Laptop Warranty is THSK__Laptop_Warranty__c.

  12. Hi All,

    I've tried to follow the above steps as well and still getting the below message. Can't figure out where it went wrong. Does someone know how to fix this or able to help out?

    Thank you so much!

    Be sure to add a filter to the field visibility for the Support Level field and Expiration Date field so they only appear when the Active Warranty field is checked. Be sure your filter is on the Lightning page with Developer Name: Laptop_Warranty_Record_Page. Ensure the Developer Name for Support Level is THSK__Support_Level__c, Active Warranty is THSK__Active_Warranty__c, and Laptop Warranty is THSK__Laptop_Warranty__c.

  13. V useful blog and step by guide to complete maintenance. Thanks

  14. When is the last day for the certificate maintenance

    1. Due Date: April 8, 2022.

      Kindly check below link for more details.
