Sunday, April 23, 2023

JavaScript Developer I Certification Maintenance (Summer '22)

JavaScript Developer I Certification Maintenance (Summer '22)

→    Maintain Your JavaScript Developer I Certification for Summer '22

1. Which attribute of an event helps a developer identify the event when working in the Lightning App Builder?
A. recordId
B. Item selected
C. event
D. schema
E. label

2. Styling hooks are now generally available in the Lightning Design System. What is the new styling hook namespace
A. --sds
B. :host
C. --slds
D. onclick

3. UTAM is based on a design pattern commonly used in UI tests. What is the design pattern called?
A. Java UI design
B. Page object design
C. Lightning design
D. JavaScript design

4. What are two types of barcodes that can be scanned from a Lightning web component?
A. UPC and WNI
B. UPC and QR
C. QED and QR
D. IT and MSG

5. Pull-to-refresh is a convention used in mobile apps as a way to reload data. How is pull-to-refresh disabled in the Salesforce mobile app?
A. Fire a CustomEvent
B. Remove a component
C. Use a page object
D. Add a detail property

6. When a developer enables light DOM on a component, it no longer renders its elements in the shadow tree. Where is light DOM attached?
A. host element
B. render element
C. shadow root
D. Light mode
E. Query selector

→    Maintain Your JavaScript Developer I Certification for Summer '22

Launch the org you'll use for the hands-on challenge, then do the following.

  1. Connect Visual Studio Code to your Trailhead playground
  2. Create a new LWC in VS Code: recordCardQuickFiles
  3. Copy Code and deploy recordCardQuickFiles LWC to Trailhead Playground

JavaScript file (recordCardQuickFiles.js)

import { LightningElement, api } from "lwc";
import LightningConfirm from 'lightning/confirm';         
export default
class recordCardQuickFiles extends LightningElement {
 onDeleteAllFilesButtonClick() {
  const confirmation ={
  Message:'Are you sure you want to delete all files?',
  Variant: 'headerless',
  Label: 'Are you sure you want to delete all files?',
  if (confirmation) {
      //... proceed with
     //... Apex Logic to delete Files.
    //... We will not check this comment.

Certification Maintenance Due Date:   August 18, 2023

OmniStudio Consultant Certification Maintenance (Summer '22)

OmniStudio Consultant Certification Maintenance (Summer '22)

→    Maintain Your OmniStudio Consultant Certification for Summer '22

1. Which property must be selected for an Edit Block to be nulled out between steps?
A. Allow New
B. Allow Edit
C. Allow Clear
D. Allow Delete

2. True or False: Users can create and save records in a modal by using Save & New.
A. True
B. False

3. To close a flyout modal, what should be entered in its Event Name?
A. close
B. modal
C. flyout
D. pubsub

4. The Style panel controls the appearance of FlexCard elements. Which section of the Style panel is used to apply a custom class to an element?
A. Alignment
B. Custom CSS
C. Appearance
D. Container Class

Certification Maintenance Due Date:   August 18, 2023

OmniStudio Developer Certification Maintenance (Summer '22)

OmniStudio Developer Certification Maintenance (Summer '22)

→    Maintain Your OmniStudio Developer Certification for Summer '22

1. A FlexCard can contain an element with sequential actions. What are sequential actions?
A. A list where the actions are completed asynchronously
B. A list of actions the user must complete in a particular order
C. A list where the first action fires, completes, and triggers the next action
D. A list of actions to optimize performance

2. Which OmniScript supports Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint templates?
A. fndMultiMicroLwc
B. fndMultiPDFConvertLwc
C. fndMultiDocxLwc
D. fnddocGenerationSampleLwc

3. In an org that does not have OmniStudio licenses installed, what SObjects are used after a Data Model update?
A. OmniStudio for Vlocity SObjects
B. OmniStudio SObjects
C. Data Model SObjects
D. Verified SObjects

4. Conditions can be set on an action that must be met before that action displays on a menu. Which panel has the Conditions option?
A. Build panel
B. Properties panel
C. Style panel
D. Setup panel

Certification Maintenance Due Date:   August 18, 2023

Pardot Specialist Certification Maintenance (Summer '22)

Pardot Specialist Certification Maintenance (Summer '22)

→    Maintain Your Pardot Specialist Certification for Summer '22

1. What field indicates whether a landing page was created in the new Salesforce builder or Classic Pardot?
A. Content Field
B. Status Field
C. Source Field
D. Campaign Field

2. Which action saves an email for use in Engagement Studio?
A. Activate for Automation
B. Initiate Engagement
C. Trigger Automation
D. Enable Builder

3. What mailability field is no longer connected to the Do Not Email field on prospect records?
A. Status
B. Opted Out
C. Soft Bounce
D. Undeliverable

4. Where is Einstein Engagement Frequency enabled?
A. Marketing Setup
B. Engagement Studio
C. Prospect Lists
D. Segmentation Rules

5. Which is the correct order to set up a conditional completion action?
A. Add conditional group, specify condition, add action
B. Select action, add condition, apply group
C. Add prospects, select action, select condition
D. Select condition, add criteria, add users

Certification Maintenance Due Date:   August 18, 2023

User Experience (UX) Designer Certification Maintenance (Summer '22)

User Experience (UX) Designer Certification Maintenance (Summer '22)

→    Maintain Your User Experience Designer Certification for Summer '22

1. Which two navigation options can display together on all pages in the iOS app?
A. Hamburger menu and tab bar navigation
B. Back button and tab bar navigation
C. Tab bar navigation and hamburger menu
D. Back button and hamburger menu
E. Back button and sidebar menu

2. Which element can now be targeted using In-App Guidance and targeted prompts?
A. Workarounds
B. Action buttons
C. Einstein Search, Help, and Trailhead
D. A and C
E. B and C

3. What part of the global header provides access to the Guidance Center for Admins?
A. Guidance Center
B. Get Started
C. Learning Paths
D. Resources
E. Setup

4. Which question format creates shorter surveys?
A. Essay
B. Multiple choice
C. True/False
D. Fill in the blank
E. Matrix

5. Which options customize the appearance of a company logo on surveys?
A. Upload, resize and rotate
B. Regular, bold, and italic
C. Alignment, background color, and opacity
D. Saturation, brightness and contrast

6. What is the default setting for a section header on a flow screen?
A. Collapsed
B. Open
C. Highlighted
D. Closed
E. Faded

7. Which text style does the builder interface use for both Aura and LWR sites?
A. Salesforce font
B. Native sans-serif
C. Helvetica bold
D. Times New Roman
E. Arial condensed

Certification Maintenance Due Date:   August 18, 2023